
Katie - 2004-01-20 15:41:20
Ponder ponder ponder...And you know, now I want some hot coco. Not that this is breaking news as I always want hot coco...But, uh. Besides the point. I leave.
Ange - 2004-01-20 15:46:29
Now I know why movie theater popcorn causes the running of the bowels.
razor-vixen - 2004-01-20 16:31:29
Saturn Ascends - 2004-01-20 17:08:00
That's way too long. I'm not reading that.
Emily - 2004-01-20 17:36:07
Gump, you are really insane sometimes. In a good way though... I did see that show after Idol, you didn't miss much. It was funny for about 2 minutes but most of the time it was pretty stupid.
mondocurio - 2004-01-20 17:44:20
I was gonna say I am not reading that...but apparently someone else felt the same... I just can't get into it for some insane fuckin fell down some stairs again today..i am a KLUTZ
kerbang - 2004-01-21 00:13:00
get your cybersluts in line GH. make them respect the hood.

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