
Tommy - 2004-01-16 12:22:03
I'd marry Paris, fuck Jessica, and chuck Britney. I like this game.
Erika - 2004-01-16 12:38:22
Oh come now, you can do better than that. Marry Ewen McGregor, Fuck Orlando Bloom, and chuck Justin Timberlake. Let's see for you . . . Jennifer Anniston, Courtney Cox or Lisa Kudrow.
Emily - 2004-01-16 12:43:22
Yeah, same for me. Marry Ewen, fuck Orlando, and definitely chuck Justin.
Gumphood - 2004-01-16 12:45:53
Oh come now. Marry Jennifer, Chuck Lisa, and Bang Cox
razor-vixen - 2004-01-16 12:47:00
It's hard. I'd marry Justin, fuck Orlando & chuck Ewan. Or marry Orlando, fuck Justin & chuck Ewan (he just doesn't do much for me). If I were a guy, I'd marry Jessica (always amusing), fuck Britney & chuck Paris (she makes me laugh, but she doesn't really have any good uses).
Judith - 2004-01-16 13:03:16
I'd marry Ewen, fuck Justin and chuck Orli. Ewen's definitely marriage material, I'm unsure of my other choices though.
Sandy - 2004-01-16 13:13:08
Okay, I'd marry Justin (do you guys not watch "The Fabulous Life"?), fuck Orlando, and chuck Ewan. He has a very wide face.
sycophantic cyber-slut #69 - 2004-01-16 13:16:35
i'd marry you, fuck you, and chuck myself because i'd have nothing left to live for once i'd done those things.
aliop33 - 2004-01-16 13:31:45
For the Men: Jessica Simpson, Britney Spears, and Paris Hilton even though i am a girl, I'm a lesbian, so I'm answering this one! Marry: Jessica Simpson, Fuck Britney and Chuck Paris... and here's one for all your girls that's a doozy: Michael Jackson, George W. Bush, Al Sharpton. Ha! take that.
Sharon - 2004-01-16 13:32:13
oh, I totally played this game in college. Kerbang and I played it in the car, but it was very short lived because we ran out of people very fast, but here's a query: I told him he had to chuck, fuck and keep forever the following people: Gumphood, Dinguspie and what do you think he said? heh heh heh.
Gumphood - 2004-01-16 13:34:50
He'd Obviously fuck uncle. He'd probably marry Sam and toss me, though I don't know about that one....
Gumphood - 2004-01-16 13:36:22
I would Fuck Jackson, marry Sharpton, and chuck Bush.
Pandionna - 2004-01-16 13:56:44
Ewen McGregor, Orlando Bloom, and Justin Timberlake... Fuck Ewan (he's hung), marry Orlando (he's beautiful, and if even if we only had nookie to procreate, well, we'd just have to have a lot of kids), chuck Justin (there is no earthly good reason for his continued existence).
AJ - 2004-01-16 13:59:56
Okay: I'd marry Justin, fuck Ewan, and toss Orlando. OR, I'd marry Britney, fuck Paris, and chuck Jessica Simpson. And, for the bonus, I'd marry you, fuck you, and then together we'd push those other guys off the cliff b/c I wouldn't even want to think about having to fuck either one of them.
bethany - 2004-01-16 13:59:57
IT'S DAVE COULIER! (on Full House -aka Uncle Joey) I am a fuckstick for knowing that) Did you know he dated Alanis Morrisette and she wrote You Oughta Know About Him. How freaking fucked up is that?
kay - 2004-01-16 14:33:47
ooooooh games! i'd fuck Ewen McGregor, marry Orlando Bloom, and chuck Justin's sorry ass off that cliff. and the bonus was way too subjective :D (side note, i froze my ass off this morning just walking from house to bus and bus to school. it's horrible.)
Tessa - 2004-01-16 15:32:02
Marry Britney. Fuck Paris. Chuck Jessica.
Tessa - 2004-01-16 15:35:39
Oh the bonus...Marry Gumphood. Fuck the Awful Guy. Chuck the guy from Nickelback. For Erikas choices. I'd Marry Lisa, Fuck Courtney, and chuck Jennifer.
Ellen - 2004-01-16 16:35:00
Hitch - Orlando, Fuck - Justin, Pitch - Ewan. Bonus: Marry - Gump, Fuck - Gump, Pitch - uhm.. the other guys! Fair? Mm hmm! ;)
MissPinkKate - 2004-01-16 17:04:34
Marry- Orlando Bloom. Fuck- Justin Timberlake. Ditch- Ewen McGregor; I think Moulin Rouge is dumb.
Sharon - 2004-01-16 23:06:38
nah, Kerbang said he would fuck you to fuck you up. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh man, I kill me.
Violet - 2004-01-17 05:28:08
I loved this game! I'd marry Orlando, Fuck Justin (yum), and chuck the other guy. If I were a guy I'd marry Jessica, fuck Britney and chuck Paris, she's such a slut. :) Thanks for helping me procrastinate!!
Siri - 2004-01-17 12:40:20
I think it's cute how you're all excited/depressed/scared/inspired to break up with girls because their eyes will freeze shut when they cry/crying about the cold you're having. Come to Norway, enjoy being able to break up with someone and take advantage of their eyes freezing shut every day! Marry Orlando, fuck Justin and chuck Evan. Cheers from someplace even colder :)
adelnye - 2004-01-17 23:57:33
hehe... what if some girls don't cry??? hmmm.... marry Orlando, fuck Justin and chuck Evan. :P
serena (Of serenaville) - 2004-01-18 00:27:13
This game is a new one on me. I'd marry Ewan MacGregor, since I'd only have to have sex with him for procreation, and we'd be childless. I'd fuck Orlando Bloom. I'd gleefully chuck Justin Timberlake, whilst yelling "JUSTIFIED!!!". For the bonus: I'd marry the guy from Nickelback, fuck me some sweet Gumphood, and chuck The Awful Guy. Unless you'd just broken up with me. Even blinded by frozen tears, I could still chuck your fool ass over the cliff. "JUSTIFIED!!!"
Erin - 2004-01-18 01:26:38
So I was looking at your extras, for no reason other than boredom, and it occured to me that you still haven't answered the questions I asked of you in the review I gave you. And, Oh yeah I still want to see you in a Care Bears or a My Little Pony shirt! *Thinks to herself as she reaches to hit done* Maybe this should have been a note instead of a comment. Oh well.*
datchery (harp!) - 2004-01-18 02:55:12
marry simpson, chuck paris, and obviously fuck spears. (Paris really kind of annoys me)
Lysh - 2004-01-18 15:34:52
I like it I like it I lIKe It! I'll marry Orlando, fuck Adam from 3dg.. then fuck Justin.. then ja rule.. and chuck Keanu Reeves. Yeah Yeah Yeah. who votes mine the best? I shall add you to my favourites indeed.. and how bout those private entries. hmm.
candora - 2004-01-18 18:12:07
catching up on your week while watching NE football go well for NE... password please?... Jess, Brit, Paris, though the idea of chucking Paris is sad as it is such a beautiful city, but on the other hand Paris the girl seems most likely to survive the fall since she'll do about anything... hope you have good news in your week coming...
lg - 2004-01-18 20:36:26
M- ewan F- orlando C- justin... is there any other option?
kerbang - 2004-01-20 02:53:30
i can't believe you made a diaryland entry about this. actually, i can't believe all these suckers that left comments. p.s. i am a sucker.
TrainerChick07 - 2004-01-25 18:41:32
i would marry ewen mcgregor first. divorce him then marry orlando bloom, and throw justin timberlake in the ohio river and pray that he drowns!
Aubrey - 2004-02-13 14:42:12
lets seeeee......i would fuck ewen mcgrgor, marry ewen macgrgor, and chuck his wife off a cliff...yay!

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