
Vickie - 2003-07-22 09:45:45
So the banner's up? ;)
katie - 2003-07-22 10:25:07
...i know you are all excited. i mean... people are clicking your banner. *giggle* ...i did... and... i feel... uhhh... right. but i still maintain that i am not a dirty math girl and that YOU are a dirty math boy... i mean all those classes. come on... silly.
tony - 2003-07-22 12:59:08
That was the coolest story EVER. I even wanted to believe it was true.
sam - 2003-07-22 17:19:31
that was the coolest story EVER. I even wanted to believe it was, like, totally true!
Sandy - 2003-07-27 00:13:07
I wish you'd told me that story before I'd made up the banner. I don't know; maybe the banner would have been better. 'Cause it's all about me.

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